BAMBI is overexpressed in ovarian cancer and co-translocates with Smads into the nucleus upon TGF-ss treatment.
By: Pils D, Wittinger M, Petz M, Gugerell A, Gregor W, Alfanz A, Horvat R, Braicu EI, Sehouli J, Zeillinger R, Mikulits W, Krainer M.
Department of Internal Medicine I, Division of Oncology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria.
Gynecol Oncol. 2010 Feb 25.



Transforming growth factor beta (TGF−ss) signaling via Smads plays a central role in carcinogenesis. Bmp and activin membrane−bound inhibitor (BAMBI) was initially described as a pseudoreceptor antagonizing TGF−ss receptor activation, thus impairing signaling. Here we wanted to estimate the role of BAMBI in ovarian cancer.


The function of BAMBI was studied using a cell line model and intracellular localization experiments. The impact of BAMBI expression on patient outcome was estimated by real−time PCR and immunohistochemistry.


We demonstrate for the first time a nuclear co−translocation of BAMBI with Smad2/3 upon TGF−ss treatment. Moreover, overexpression of BAMBI in an in vitro model led to significantly increased proliferation (doubling time −37.0%, P=0.010), migration (+581.2%, P=0.004) and resistance to TGF−ss−mediated apoptosis (decrease of apoptosis from 30% in the control cells to 7% in the BAMBI−overexpressing cells). Although−prima facie−this fits to the thesis of BAMBI as a pseudoreceptor, it may also be explained by modulation of TGF−ss signaling in the nucleus, leading to the observed pro−oncogenic properties. The tumor promoting impact of BAMBI mRNA overexpression in vitro could not be confirmed in primary tumor samples, and while nearly all tumor samples showed up−regulation of BAMBI (37.3% 1+, 39.2% 2+, and 16.7% 3+, respectively) compared to undetectable BAMBI in healthy pre− and post−menopausal ovarian epithelia, no impact of BAMBI expression on recurrence free and overall survival could be observed.


These findings provide new insights into the Smad−mediated pathway by inferring that BAMBI is a novel modulator of TGF−ss signaling. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

PMID: 20189233 [PubMed − as supplied by publisher] Source: National Library

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