The therapeutic landscape for hematological and solid tumor cancers is changing rapidly. With
many potential targeted agents in clinical trials and others already approved, it is sometimes
difficult to keep up with all the new treatments, indications and protocols for cancer patients. And
ahead lies the exciting possibility of customizing patient therapy to a patient's genetic profile.
As a consequence of all this rapid progress, caregivers will need to have a deeper appreciation of
the emerging knowledge in order to provide the highest standards of care.
ONCOmmunity.org seeks to create a supportive and educational Internet-based and mobile-based
community of peers, mentors and clinical experts who can help clinicians apply the new scientific
discoveries to improved therapies for cancer patients.
Sign up for the latest news, features and research reports in oncology areas of interest to you.
Participate in ACCME-accredited conferences. Learn how colleagues manage their patients in Clinical
Outcome Panels. Identify local and national experts who can help you puzzle through clinical
challenges. Connect via the Internet or on-the-go via your smart phone.